Devin LuBean

Product Design Leader

Domo Stories

Domo has for a decade helped customers create dashboards to aid them through digital transformation.  We built a world class cross platform charting engine, but the dashboards were limited in the ability to create custom layouts, styles, and designs.  At Domo we believe that dashboards should not just be a way to consume data, but should allow the creator to tell a story around the data, and encourage data exploration.

I was tasked to collaborate with our labs team and our Chief of Design to merge several solutions and find a way to build it into the larger Domo platform and support not only web, but native mobile, PowerPoint export, PDF export, Apple TV, and emailed renders.  This was a huge undertaking and took nearly 2 years.  With extensive user research and competitive analysis, my design team formed an amazing solution.  The issue was that it would take more than 2 years to build, and a team working that long on a single product was problematic for the agile environment we work in, and the wellbeing of the engineers.  I worked with the product managers and engineering leads to create a phased approach that would allow us to release parts and pieces of our vision over several years.  This also provided an opportunity to make tweaks based on user feedback.

Customer adoption has been exponential, even to the point that most of our features are now put in a supporting role to Domo Stories.  In 2020 I worked to promote one of our best UX designers, Ellen Lingwall, to take over ownership of the project, and she has done an amazing job.